Martin Ludbrook, Pastor

Martin has led Richmond Church since April 2017, overseeing Sunday Services and all other ministries of the Church. His journey to faith began at age three, sparking his curiosity about God and faith, which eventually led his mother to Christianity and, later, himself. With a Mathematics degree, Martin has worked as a teacher, administrator, youth worker, and bursar. He enjoys films and good coffee. He married Evee, a piano teacher, in July 2023.

Ian Boot, Elder

Ian is one of our elders. He is married to Kay and they have a grown-up son, daughter-in-law and grandson. Ian loves a good mug of coffee and Marvel films and manages to enjoy these around his work as the director of an accountancy firm.

Ian & Kay are also our Treasurers.

You can contact our leaders and the church secretary via

The leadership team are also assisted in the day to day running of the church by many other volunteers. We’re not going to name them all here, but you might need to know our Safeguarding team:

Mr D Ludbrook ,

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