Families, Children & Youth

Church is a family, and that's no different at Richmond Church - everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, has a place here. We want to make sure everyone feels like they belong, are loved, and give them opportunities to learn about our God in a way they can understand.

A significant part of this comes on Sundays. We start at 10:45 all together, and then the children aged 0-11 head downstairs for age-appropriate groups. They play, have fun and learn about Jesus in a way that makes sense to them. For older children (years 7+), we encourage them to come along to our Sunday service to hear God’s word and then to YoLG straight afterwards to talk through what they've heard.

We also run midweek groups aiming to provide opportunities for all children and young people - whether used to church or not - to hear about Jesus whilst having fun, playing games and enjoying other activities.

All our group leaders are DBS-checked and wear orange lanyards.

Find out more about our regular and upcoming events, below.


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