A short introduction to the Essentials series:

Our next Essentials course begins on Tuesday 31st October at 7pm and rund for 4 Tuesdays. 

Coming along?

Let us know by emailing info@richmondchurch.co.uk or using our website's contact form.


Course Outline:

  1. Reveal
    Discover the life-changing truth that God has engaged us in conversation. Because Jesus is the Son of God we can know what God is like.
  2. Reject
    Discover what Jesus thinks of our spiritual condition. Learn the truth about how we have treated God and the resulting consequences.
  3. Rescue
    Hear the greatest news in the world about how God has rescued us from our biggest danger. Listen to how Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross to save us from the punishment we deserve.
  4. Relationship
    Find out what Jesus has rescued us for. Discover more about the loving relationship we can enjoy with God and other Christians


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